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Visitors 2485
Modified 7-Feb-16
Created 4-Oct-13
31 photos

In the late summer early fall of 2013, Pittsburgh was host to the giant rubber duck. It was docked near Point State Park and brought tens of thousands of visitors to the Steel City to see it.
Giant Duck on the Allegheny River in Pittsburgh at night HDRA close up of the Giant Rubber Duck on the Allegheny River in Pittsburgh HDRThe Duck and the Pittsburgh skyline at night HDRHeinz Field and the Giant Rubber Duck in Pittsburgh HDRGiant Rubber Duck by the fountain at Point State Park in Pittsburgh HDRGiant rubber duck and PNC Park at night in Pittsburgh HDRThe fountain and the giant rubber duck in Pittsburgh at night HDRPNC Park and the Giant Rubber Duck from the Clemente Bridge in Pittsburgh HDRWide angle view of Pittsburgh, the giant rubber deck and the fountain HDRThe city of Pittsburgh, the fountain at Point State Park and the giant rubber duck in PittsburghThe Giant Rubber Duck in Pittsburgh sits in front of Heinz Field HDRThe Giant Rubber Duck floats on the Allegheny River on its first night in Pittsburgh HDRThe Pittsburgh skyline at the Giant Rubber Duck docked at Point State Park HDRA panorama of the Giant Rubber Duck in Pittsburgh HDRA fisheye view of the Giant Rubber Duck on the Allegheny River in Pittsburgh HDRThe fountain at Point State Park in Pittsburgh and the Giant Rubber Duck HDRThe fountain at Point State Park at the Giant Rubber Duck reflect at the Point in Pittsburgh HDRA dramatic sky over the Giant Rubber Duck and the fountain at Point State Park in Pittsburgh HDRReflections of the giant rubber duck and the Pittsburgh skyline at night in HDRColorful Pittsburgh skyline at night from the West End Overlook HDR

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory:Pop Culture
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:allegheny river, dave dicello, duck in pittsburgh, fountain, fountain at point state park, fountain in pittsburgh, night, night, pittsburgh, pittsburgh, pittsburgh, pittsburgh duck, pittsburgh giant duck, point state park, point state park fountain, rubber duck, rubber duck