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Uploaded 20-Feb-14
Taken 27-Dec-13
Visitors 716
12 of 17 photos

Moon on a cloud front over Pittsburgh from the North Shore

Captured this view of the Steel City early one morning from the North Shore. The was was shining brightly just a bank of clouds moved into the area.

Categories & Keywords
Category:City Scenes
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:andy warhol bridge, bridges in pittsburgh, d600, dave dicello, nikon, north shore, pictures of pittsburgh, pittsburgh, pittsburgh in the snow, pittsburgh in the winter, pittsburgh pictures, pittsburgh skyline, pittsburgh skyline pictures, pittsburgh winter, roberto clemente bridge, snow, snow in pittsburgh, steel city, winter in pittsburgh, winter pictures of pittsburgh

Moon on a cloud front over Pittsburgh from the North Shore