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Visitors 3858
Modified 17-Nov-22
Created 12-Apr-11
502 photos

Pittsburgh is known for it's many different styles of bridges. This is a collection of some of them, ranging from the Three Sister Bridges (6th, 7th and 9th Street Bridges a.k.a. Roberto Clemente, Andy Warhol and Rachel Carson) to the Smithfield Street Bridge on the South Side, to the Ft. Duquesne and Ft. Pitt Bridges.
A panorama of the Clemente Bridge and the moon reflecting in the waterDSC_6095The sun shines behind the Andy Warhol Bridge at dawnThe Clemente Bridge frames the crescent moon over PittsburghA black and white view of the Smithfield St. Bridge on a foggy morningDSC_1674The 40th St. Bridge frames Pittsburgh at duskThe West End Bridge frames Pittsburgh at duskFull moon over the Clemente Bridge in PittsburghPanorama of Pittsburgh from the Ft. Pitt Bridge at dawnPittsburgh skyline from the Ft. Pitt Bridge at dawnHulton Bridge ImplosionThe Roberto Clemente Bridge in PIttsburgh - Black and Gold EditionPuffy clouds over the Clemente BridgeThe sun rises behind the clouds at dawn above the Allegheny River in PittsburghThe sun rises behind the clouds at dawn above the Allegheny River in PittsburghA black and white foggy morning on the Clemente BridgeA foggy morning on the Clemente Bridge in PIttsburghThe Clemente Bridge reflects in the Allegheny on a foggy Pittsburgh morningSunlight shines on the Roberto Clemente Bridge in Pittsburgh

Categories & Keywords
Category:Architecture and Structures
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:andy warhol bridge, bridges in pittsburgh, city of bridges, ft. duquesne bridge, pittsburgh, pittsburgh bridges, rachel carson bridge, roberto clemente bridge, smithfield street bridge, steel city, sunrse, sunset