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Uploaded 10-Jun-14
Taken 18-Dec-13
Visitors 95
241 of 338 photos

Pittsburgh sits below a colorful sky as seen from the West End Overlook

The view from the West End Overlook in Pittsburgh is one of the best in the cty

Categories & Keywords
Category:City Scenes
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:andy warhol bridge, bridges in pittsburgh, christmas in pittsburgh, christmas tree at the point, d600, dave dicello, dave dicello, mt. washington, nikon, north shore, pictures of pittsburgh, pittsburgh, pittsburgh christmas tree, pittsburgh in the snow, pittsburgh in the winter, pittsburgh pictures, pittsburgh skyline, pittsburgh skyline, pittsburgh skyline at dusk, pittsburgh skyline pictures, pittsburgh winter, point state park, roberto clemente bridge, skyline in pittsburgh, snow, snow in pittsburgh, steel city, steel city, winter in pittsburgh, winter in pittsburgh, winter pictures of pittsburgh

Pittsburgh sits below a colorful sky as seen from the West End Overlook